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Hysterosonogram ultrasound


This procedure is done to check for problems inside the uterus (womb).

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A hysterosonogram helps doctors diagnose medical conditions of the uterus and the lining of the uterus (the endometrium). No radiation or dye is used.


About this ultrasound

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  • A thin probe will be placed in the vagina. This allows the machine to get a better view of the pelvic structures and where the uterus is located in your body.

    Next, a specially trained radiologist will place a small catheter (a thin flexible tube that moves easily) into the cervix (the lower part of the uterus). We will put a salty fluid called saline into the endometrium through the catheter. At the same time, we'll record images. 

    The catheter and probe will be taken out before you leave the exam room. The exam will take about 20 to 30 minutes.

    Cramping or spotting (light bleeding) often happen after the exam. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about this.

    • Hysterosonograms don't require a full bladder. The exam should be done on days six to ten of your cycle, using the first day of your period as day one.

      Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit on the day of your appointment.

    • For general questions, call 1-206-329-1760. For billing, call 1-260-860-4500. For appointments, call 1-206-860-5496, and select option 2.


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