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Cystogram and voiding cysto-urethrogram


These exams use "live" X-rays and a special dye to get images of the urinary system.

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A cystogram and voiding cysto-urethrogram (VCUG) are imaging exams that use contrast (a special dye) and fluoroscopy (“live” X-rays) to see your urinary system. A cystogram takes pictures of the bladder. A VCUG takes pictures of your bladder and urethra while you urinate.


About these exams

Accordion Block v2
  • If you're scheduled for a cystogram, we'll bring into the exam room. You will lie on the exam table on your back. We'll cover you with a blanket so we're able to get to the end of the urinary catheter (a thin flexible tube that moves easily). 

    The urinary catheter will have already been put into your bladder. The gravity of the bottle allows the contrast to fill your bladder without overfilling. After we get the necessary images, we'll drain your bladder through the catheter. 

    If you're scheduled for a VCUG, the beginning of the exam is the same as a cystogram. Your bladder will be filled through a catheter until you're full and feel the need to urinate. 

    Next, we'll remove the catheter and ask you to urinate. The radiologist takes images of your bladder and urethra during this time. 

  • For both types of exam, you must have a catheter placed into your bladder before your appointment. This is usually done by the doctor who told you to have the exam. 

    Please tell us if:

    • You're pregnant or may be pregnant
    • You have an allergy to iodine or a history of bad reactions to contrast.
  • The radiologist will study the images after the exam. We'll send a report to your doctor with your results. Your doctor will talk to you about your results by phone or MyChart. 

    After you talk to your doctor, the results are also available on MyChart.

  • To schedule an appointment, please call us at 1-206-860-5496, option 1.


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